Sunday, April 25, 2010

Marina Abramović The Artist Is Present- Portraits (Set) at the MoMA The Museum of Modern Art, New York City

She sits, stares and cries while the people have a chance to sit, stare and cry with her, or at her depending. Their photos are taken by Photographer Marco Anelli he has been creating portraits of the participants for MoMa and uploading them to a MoMA set on Flickr account under each photo the time the person sat with Marina is listed. There are 759 photos. MoMa has provided a website in which you can watch a live stream of her performing.
Okay laugh. I did when I first read about this art piece. “ She’s crazy! Did someone really pay her for this?” Than I went to the site and sat with the pieces, and came to the conclusion she is a genius. You may not agree but I bet you will not be able to look away from these people. Marina captures them and us.  
Marina explores the human capacity to feel and manipulates the evolutionary bond we humans have as social creatures who have spent millennia living together in groups, to recognize, respond and mimic feelings in each other. These people are Marina’s living clay, she molds and captures for all the world to see. Some people come back again and again for days in a row so moved are they by this instillation. You can watch all of this from the comfort of your laptop. 
As a writer I love to people watch, but I think this is common for all of us. We like to know what is going on in the world around us and as social beings we look to others first for clues as to what is happening in the here and now. This information is passed from one person to another so subtly we often are not aware it is happening.  Something in the way a woman walking with her shopping down the street tells you if the street is safe. Or the way a man waiting for the bus perhaps tells you about his day.
I sat with a cup of coffee and some Beatles on my iPod, and was moved to tears and at the end felt more connected with the world. Considering I was all alone in my office.
It is an interesting piece and I highly recommend you check it out and really give it a try. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a few minutes to sit with some New Yorkers as Marina tells us a story through their faces.
Keep in mind, “Art is in the eye of the beholder.”  It is in you to take as much or as little you want from this. If you are uncomfortable staring at someone’s photo, maybe instead of simply clicking on the next photo. Sit as Marina asks; and stare, and ask yourself why?  You might be surprise yourself.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nadia Bloom is Little Red Riding Hood?

As I watched the drama of Nadia Bloom's rescue this weekend on CNN. Nadia Bloom story- CNN
It got me wondering about Little Red Riding Hood. The Grimms Fairy Tale about a little girl who gets lost in the woods, on her way to her grandmother's house only to find a wolf instead. Nadia Like Little Red, also went off into the woods by her Florida home in search of adventure, she was reportedly inspired by a book about explorers. Instead of a wolf, Nadia did not encounter anyone, instead becomming confused and lost in the Florida Everglades. For five days alone in a forest full of aligators and deadly snakes.  Thankfully Nadia's story is a happy one, as she came away with only misquito bites.

It got me thinking, what if these stories the Grimms Brothers wrote were not "fairy tales" but in fact news stories of the day? Back in the 15th century the world was very different. It was a world when science was considered a form of witchcraft and the world outside your village or farmstead was one of mystery and danger? 

We all know there are three sides to every story, ( his side, her side, and the truth usually),  but as writers we must look for the fourth side. In how the story is told from one person who is not related to the events to the next person. When does the truth become fiction? 

In fact there is a whole genere in liturature dedicated to this slight of hand with historical facts. It is Historical Fiction.  Phillipa Gregory is the Queen of this genere with books about the British Royals. Like " The Other Boelyn Girl", and "The Virgin's Lover".  But Fairy Tales are different from historical fiction you say? I disagree. Look at it this way -When does a news story CNN would have run, (if they were around in the 15th century) become what the Grimms Brothers wrote for children? How about the other way around?

Gregory Maguire  is great at taking fairy tales and rewriting them to be "actual accounts of real-life events." When you next see a news story think about what fairy tale it might closly resemble.  In fact there is a whole genere in liturature dedicated to this slight of hand with historical facts. It is Historical Fiction. 

Are there any events in your life that might be considered a fariy tale?  When I was doing research into my own family tree, I found I was a direct decendant of King John of England 1167-1216 , much to my surprise he is the King John of The fairy tale Robin Hood. 

Thank God, and all of those who searched tirelessly for Nadia.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why I love this job!

I often wonder what life would be like as someone else. I will watch commercials and see a hair dresser or an airline flight attendant and wonder what it would be like to be that person to live their life, what would their family look like? What about their friends? What would they do in an extraordinary circumstance?
I guess that’s why I’m a writer. I get to explore all sorts of different lives, as I am often bored with just one. I so look forward to researching and exploring the backgrounds of the characters I write about. 
This is why I love about writing. Not only the factual items of a story, but the what and wheres of scenery and circumstance and job descriptions, and the imagination of who and why, blending to create a story from fact and fiction. This creation, this is the craft I truly love.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas From
The Shields Family 2009

Bella Checking the Presents

My Brother- Andrew Cooking Breakfast

Andrew- found his "Happy Place"

Winter Wonderland

Who's stronger- Andrew or Mum?

Nothing like a family dinner in front of the tree.

Caramel Cheescake anyone?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hi Everyone

Only 3 weeks left until Christmas. Please help support my writing and check out my article in Women's Online Magazine its all about reaching for your dreams!